Written By Melanie Villanueva
Are you looking for something that’s one hundred percent good for you all the time? If so, can I recommend the WORD OF GOD? Listen to what it can do for you if you seek to build a relationship with GOD. IT CAN KEEP YOU PURE (Ps. 129:9,11). IT BLESSES YOU (Luke 12:28). IT MAKES YOU WISE (Matt. 7:24). IT GIVES YOU LIGHT AND UNDERSTANDING (Ps. 119:130). IT HELPS YOU GROW SPIRITUALLY (1 Pet. 2:2). “The LORD is GOOD TO ALL,” says (Ps. 145:9). And in HIS goodness, HE has provided us who love HIM with a guide that helps us see how to enhance our relationship with HIM. “HOW SWEET ARE YOUR WORDS TO MY TASTE, SWEETER THAN HONEY TO MY MOUTH” (Ps. 119:103). Brethren, GOD’s WORD is the only sure foundation for our life. Let us read it carefully, interpret it correctly and apply it enthusiastically in our lives. Enjoy your day with the LORD. Stay safe.